What is consciousness and what are its dimensions?
You are conscious of things when you are aware of them, aware of their presence. When you are not aware when you do not perceive you are unconscious. It is the difference between being sleep and awake. When you are asleep things are lost, you become unconscious of them; when you are awake things reappear and you are conscious of them it is analogous to day and night. Night in its darkness swallows up things, annihilates them as it were this is unconsciousness the day dawning brings forth the things and gives them their normal concrete form tangible reality this is consciousness. so consciousness is light, creation and unconsciousness is darkness annihilation.
The essential consciousness is an unchanging reality existing everywhere in the universe but it expresses itself in different modes and apparent forms, its essential quality does not change but acquires a different colour and vibration in accordance with its degree and level of expression. Now consciousness because of inadequate expression becomes blurred or faint etc. You have simply to shake off the outer coating to allow the inner reality to shine forth in its own nature.
Consciousness is not merely consciousness, simple awareness, it is also power energy. The vedic word is cit-tapas, conscious energy. It is not like knowledge is power. it does not mean that consciousness has power or gives power. but consciousness is power. its more likely comparable with light energy which does not merely illumine, it energises, activates, moves things. the inherent quality of light is energy. in the same way consciousness is also a vibration of energy. It is the self-impulsion of consciousness. This impulsion need not always go out, cast or speed itself in outward expression or activity. it may be stilled self contained impulsion. It is say awareness pregnant with power. Consciousness is luminosity, consciousness is energy, consciousness is also delight. The very soul of consciousness is happiness, a gladness absolute and inviolate, the delight which is love in its supreme mode. Saccidananda. The vedic rishi says it is one it is called variously as Light, Infinity, Harmony and Delight.
You are conscious of things when you are aware of them, aware of their presence. When you are not aware when you do not perceive you are unconscious. It is the difference between being sleep and awake. When you are asleep things are lost, you become unconscious of them; when you are awake things reappear and you are conscious of them it is analogous to day and night. Night in its darkness swallows up things, annihilates them as it were this is unconsciousness the day dawning brings forth the things and gives them their normal concrete form tangible reality this is consciousness. so consciousness is light, creation and unconsciousness is darkness annihilation.
The essential consciousness is an unchanging reality existing everywhere in the universe but it expresses itself in different modes and apparent forms, its essential quality does not change but acquires a different colour and vibration in accordance with its degree and level of expression. Now consciousness because of inadequate expression becomes blurred or faint etc. You have simply to shake off the outer coating to allow the inner reality to shine forth in its own nature.
Consciousness is not merely consciousness, simple awareness, it is also power energy. The vedic word is cit-tapas, conscious energy. It is not like knowledge is power. it does not mean that consciousness has power or gives power. but consciousness is power. its more likely comparable with light energy which does not merely illumine, it energises, activates, moves things. the inherent quality of light is energy. in the same way consciousness is also a vibration of energy. It is the self-impulsion of consciousness. This impulsion need not always go out, cast or speed itself in outward expression or activity. it may be stilled self contained impulsion. It is say awareness pregnant with power. Consciousness is luminosity, consciousness is energy, consciousness is also delight. The very soul of consciousness is happiness, a gladness absolute and inviolate, the delight which is love in its supreme mode. Saccidananda. The vedic rishi says it is one it is called variously as Light, Infinity, Harmony and Delight.
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