Monday, October 13, 2014

The recorded teachings of Ramanujacharya.

People outside of the Sri Vaishnava community in India and the west too know Ramanuja only as the author of the theistic commentary on the Vedanta Sutras called Sri Bhashya. and that too many have read only the very first sutra which itself is a wide ranging essay which is so comprehensive that they feel it is the summary of all of his works and his philosophy. a smaller group outside may also know of his commentary on Bhagvad gita yet again few among them may know that he has authored Vedartha sangraha a summary and meaning of the Vedas.
However within the two schools of Sri Vaishnava community there is agreement that he has authored nine works all in Sanskrit. Besides the above mentioned there are two brief commentaries on the Vedanta sutras, three gadyas and a manual of daily worship.
Divya Suri Carita containing a poetic history of the Sri Vaishnava saints and teachers gives the list in one verse. but this work seems to have ended before the end period of Ramanujacharya. The Author Garuda Vahana Pandita. has written a poetic drama giving the above details. but there is a doubt that this work may have been written 200 years later by one having the same name belonging to the same family it may be actually a title held by the family.
The first authentic reference is there fore by Sudarshana suri the last of the great teachers before the split of the Northern and Southern schools of the Sri vaishnava community.
But it is known that Sri ramanuja lectured in Tamil commenting on the hymns of the Alvars especially  the Tiruvaimoli. the first written commentary of this is said to have been written by one of his own disciples at his behest. It is written in a heavily Sanskritized Tamil called Maniparvala and many of the phrases are characteristic of Ramanuja.
The six thousand and the thirty six thousand etc have many of Ramanujas opinion scattered all over. Another work called Varttamalai which has a record of conversations of a number of earlier acharyas gathered together.this too shows no work in Tamil by Sri Ramanujacharya.
to be continued.

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