kaNNanennum (627-636)
Pleading to reduce Her sorrow using Sri Krishna's dress and other belongings
kaNNan ennum karundeivam kATchi pazhahi kiDappEnaipuNNil puLi peidAr pOla puram ninru azhahu pESAdE |
peNNin varuttam ariyAda perumAn araiyil peetaha
vaNNa ADai koNDu ennai vATTam taNiya veeSeerE || One ||
Oh! ladies! You don’t understand my mind. It is but natural. What astonishes me is kriSNan also doesn’t understand me – ‘peNNin varuttam ariyAda perumAn’. If He had known He wouldn’t have made me suffer this much. If I see His peetahavADai it is as good as seeing Him. If you fan the peetAmBara on me I can smell the sweat of kriSNa and that will make me well.
pAlalilaiyil tuyil koNDa paraman valai paTTirundEnai
vElAl tunnam peidAr pOl vENDiTTru ellAm pESAdE |
kOlAl nirai mEittu AyanAi kuDandai kiDanda kuDamADi
neelAr taNNanduzhAi koNDu en neri men kuzhal mEl SooTTeerE || Two ||
kaNNan lies on a banyan leaf after praLaya; goes behind cattle with a stick in His hand; seen as archA moorti in tirukuDandai; plays kuDakoottu in AyarpADi. Thus He is seen on a leaf, in the forest, in the temple and in AyarpADi. I fell in love with Him. I cannot live without Him. However much I cry He doesn’t come. So please bring His tiruttuzhAi (tuzhasi) and put it on my hair.
kanjai kAinda karuvilli kaDaikkaN ennum Sirai kOlAl
nenju ooDuruva vEvuNDu nilaiyum taLarndu naivEnai |
anjEl ennAn avan oruvan avan mArvu aNinda vanamAlai
vanjiyAdE tarumAhil mArvil koNarndu puraTTeerE || Three ||
kaNNan killed kamsa without the least effort. He is an expert killer for He kills me by discharging His arrows (eyes) burning my heart and breaking it beyond repair. That which brings me more pain is not the arrow but His indifference towards me. Knowing fully well my agony He never bothers to console me. Oh! Elderly ladies! You bring the vanamAla that He is wearing and roll it on my chest. It will alleviate my suffering.
ArE ulahattu ATTruvAr AyarpADi kavarndu uNNum
kArEru uzhakka uzhakkuNDu taLarndum murindum kiDappEnai |
ArA amudamanaiyAn tan amuda vAyil ooriya
neer tAn koNarndu pularAmE parukki iLaippai neekkeerE || Four ||
kaNNan not only steals in His house but in the house of everybody in AyarpADi. He tortures me severely. There is no one who can console me, or do something to alleviate my pain. The elders say ‘tell us ANDAL what should we do?’ she says ‘you should go to kaNNan wherever He is and bring me His nectar-like saliva and pour it in my mouth before it dries.
azhilum tozhilum urukkATTAn anjEl ennAn avan oruvan
tazhuvi muzhuSi puhundu ennai chuTTri Suzhanru pOhAnAl |
tazhaiyin pozhil vAi nirai pinnE neDu mAl oodi varuhinra
kuzhalin tuLai vAi neer koNDu kuLira muhattu taDaveerE || Five ||
He is very hard hearted. He doesn’t show Himself even if I cry and pray; neither even say ‘don’t be afraid’. But Oh! He is here! Look He is hugging me! He is near me! Before me! He is everywhere! Alas! It is only my illusion! It is my mAnasa anuBava. Oh! It only increases my agony instead of removing it. If you bring the saliva drops on the flute of kaNNa and rub it on my face, I feel it is the greatest medicine for this disease.
naDai onrillA ulahattu nandagOpan mahan ennum
koDiya kaDiya tirumAlAl kuLappu kooru koLappaTTu |
puDaiyum peyarahillEn nAn pOTkan miditta aDippATTil
poDittAn koNarndu pooSeerhaL pOhA uyir en uDambaiyE || Six ||
Already the world is lacking in showing respect and honor to others. People are very cruel and selfish. If nandagOpa’s son kaNNan is also like them who is to teach them the good? I am in capable of movement out of pain and weakness. I am affected mentally and physically. The best medicine is to bring the dust of His feet and rub it on my body.
kuLappu kooru kOLappaTTu – there is a saying ‘paTTa kAlilE paDum’ in tamizh meaning you get hurt where it is already hurt.
pOhA uyir en uDambaiyE – however much I drink poison, how many times I stab myself, the life refuses to depart from my body. The suggestive meaning is anyone with so much suffering as much as mine would have died by now. ANDAL is astonished at this.
veTTri karuLa koDiyAn tan meemeedu ADA ulahattu
veTTri varidE peTTra tAi vembEyAha vaLarttALE |
kuTTram aTTra mulai tannai kumaran kOla paNai tOLODu
aTTra kuTTram avai teera aNaiya amukki kaTTeerE || Seven ||
In the last pASura she scolded Him as the son of nandagOpa. Now she scolds Him as the son of yaSOda. What kind of a mother is she? Doesn’t she know how to bring up a child with ‘Baya’ and ‘Bakti’. One should rear a child in such a way it should have both fear and love for the parents. Here yaSOda has never punished Him even if the AyarpADi women, men and girls complaint. Thus like a neem fruit He is bitter to everyone. Why should she do this? There seems to be no intention in her action. But still I like Him and want Him. My breasts want them to be tied to His long beautiful shoulders.
uLLE uruhi neivEnai uLaLO ilaLO ennAda koLLai
koLLi kurumbanai gOvardananai kaNDakkAl |
koLLum payan onrillAda kongai tannai kizhangODum
aLLi parittiTTu avan mArvil erindu en azhalai teervEnE || Eight ||
kaNNan is born only to inflict the pain in the hearts of all women. He is the cause of my present condition. But He doesn’t care to enquire whether I am alive or not. Let Him come here I shall pull my breasts hanging useless on my chest from their roots and throw on His tirumArbu. Thus I shall get rid of my sorrow.
kommai mulaihaL iDar teera gOvindarkOr kuTTrEval
immai piravi SeyyAdE ini pOi Seyyum tavam tAn en |
Semmai uDaiya tirumArvil SErndAnElum oru nAnru
meimmai Solli muham nOkki viDai tAn tarumEl miha nanrE || Nine ||
Oh! I wanted so much His samslESa in this birth. I don’t see any use of tapas after I go to other lOkAs in order to get Him. My thirst is so much that in this birth alone I should have Him. Well! His apathy hurts me. If at least for one day He embraces me and says ‘I don’t want you. Get away!’ I shall be happy.
allal viLaitta perumAnai Ayar pADikku aNi viLakkai
villi puduvai nahar nambi viTTu chittan viyan kOdai |
villai tulaitta puruvattAL vETkaiyuTTru miha virumbum
Sollai tudikka vallArhaL tunba kaDaluL tuvaLArE || Ten ||
Those who read the above pASurAs will get rid of the samsAra duhKa. ANDAL expressed her desire to have samslESa with kaNNan, the lamp of AyarpADi. She desired the objects that He uses and their connections. She couldn’t bear the separation and wants His embrace.
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