Thursday, April 7, 2022


theLLiyAr palar (534-544)

theLLiyAr palar

Inviting Lord Krishna to join Her 

This padiham is called “kooDal izhaittal”. It is a sort of sooth saying. It is done like this - a circle is drawn and within it many circles are drawn at random. Then count the number of circles in pairs. If there is remainder the desire will not be fulfilled; if there is no remainder the desire gets fulfilled. This is also called “kooDal vazhaittal” “kooDar kuri”.

teLLiyAr palar kaitozhum dEvanAr 
 vaLLal mAlirum SOlai maNALanAr 
paLLi koLLum iDattu aDi koTTiDa
koLLumAhil nee kooDiDu kooDalE|| One || 

Hey! kooDal deity! I want to do kainkarya at the tiruvaDi of Sree ranganAtha who is in tirumAlirum SOlai. If He also so desires let me do so. Please give me the indication that my desire gets fulfilled by becoming the pair.

 kATTil vEngaDam kaNNapura nahar 
vATTam inri mahizhndu urai vAmanan | 
OTTarA vandu en kai paTTri tannoDum 
kooTTumAhil nee kooDiDu kooDalE|| Two || 

emberumAn stands in tiruvEngaDam and tirukkaNNapuram waiting for me for the samslESa. But He is hesitant not knowing my intention. If only He knows that I am more in haste than He for this samslESa. He will come running to me, hold me with His hands and embrace me tightly. Oh! kooDal dEva! Please fulfill my desire. periyavAchchAn piLLai writes like this – kaNNan took vAmana avatAara to beg three feet of land. He was quite anxious to get them for somebody else. Won’t He come to a Bakta post haste if only the Bakta as much anxiety as He has for the samslESa? Won’t He come like a wind to have me?

poo mahan puhazh vAnavar pOTTrudarku 
Amahan aNi vANudal dEvaki | 
mAmahan mihu Seer vaSudEvar tam 
kOmahan varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Three || 

He is in paramapada always sung by nityasooris. He is in tirupArkaDal being praised by Brahma and others. He is now on earth born as a son of vasudEva and dEvaki to remove the Boomi BAra. Today will he be here to remove my duhKa?

AichchimArhaLum Ayarum anjiDa 
pootta neeL kaDambEri puha pAindu | 
vAitta kALiyan mEl naDamADiya 
koottanAr varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Four || 

All the people in AyarpADi – both Aichchis and Ayars were worried and anxious when they saw kaNNan jumping from the kadamba tree on the hoods of kALiya and danced. He proved that He was a great dancer. If this “koottanAr” comes “kooDalE nee kooDiDu”.

mADa mALihai Soozh madurai padi 
nADi nanderuvin naDuvE vandiTTu | 
ODai mA madayAnai udaittavan 
kooDumAhil nee kooDiDu kooDalE|| Five || 

Now ANDAL has the BAvana that she is in madura and kaNNan is in tiruvAipAdi. He is invited by kamsa for the great function. The madura is full of big mansions. kaNNan is coming here for the first time. He should search and enquire “where is nAchchiyAr’s tirumALihai (house), where is her house” at every place and person and finally come to her street. kamsa wanted kaNNan to come to His court to be killed by kuvaLayApeeDa. nAchchiyAr wants Him to come to madura to have samslESa with her. kamsa’s plan may not succeed but mine should succeed.

aTTravan marudam muriya naDai 
kaTTravan kanjanai vanjanaiyir | 
SeTTravan tihazhum madurai padi 
koTTravan varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Six || 

Oh! The fate has already decided that He is my husband, kaNNan decided that He would fell the huge maruda trees which were standing in front of His house by crawling between them, kamsa decided he would invite kaNNan and get Him killed by kuvaLayApeeDa but kaNNan decided it otherwise – not only killed kuvaLayApeeDa its mahout but also kamsa all in no time. This king of madura if He comes to me kooDalE nee kooDiDu.

anru innAdana Sei SiSupAlanum 
ninra neeL marudum erudum puLLum | 
venri vEl viral kanjanum veezha mun 
konravan varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Seven || 

SiSupAlan never liked kriSNa; he always used to criticize and insult Him in the open court. The huge maruda trees were haunted by rAkshasAs; the seven bulls were to be conquered by the suitor of nappinnai; the bakAsura sent by kamsa to kill kriSNa and kamsa himself – all were killed effortlessly by kriSNa. If He can do such valiant acts can’t He come here to seek me or doesn’t He find time to see me! Therefore kooDalE kooDiDu if He comes.

Aval anbu uDaiyAr tam manattanri 
mEvalan viraiSoozh tuvarApati | 
kAvalan kanru mEittu viLaiyADum 
kOvalan varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Eight || 

kaNNan resides in the heart of those who love and like Him; He resides in dwAraka as the ruler; He resides in AyarpADi as gOpAla, shepherd boy. Won’t He come here to reside by me ?

koNDa kOla kuraL uruvAi Senru 
paNDu mAvali tan peru vELviyil |  
aNDamum nilanum aDi onrinAl 
koNDavan varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Nine ||

kriSNa, as vAmana begged the land from mahAbali; as trivikrama measured the regions of both heaven and earth. Won’t He come to beg me of my love and receiving it from me and enslaving me?

pazhahu nAn maraiyin poruLAi madam 
ozhuhu vAraNam uyya aLitta em | 
azhahanAr aNi Aichchiyar SindaiyuL 
kuzhahanAr varil kooDiDu kooDalE|| Ten || 

He is the secret meaning of all the vEdAs; the merciful redeemer of gajEndra; the enchanting figure in the hearts of gOpis. When He fails to come even after He had promised several times. The gOpis would get angry and would decide not entertain Him in their houses when He comes again. But soon they would change their minds completely when they see His face.

ooDal kooDal uNartal puNartalai 
neeDu ninra nirai puhazh Aichchiyar | 
kooDalai kuzhar kOdai mun kooriya 
pADal pattum vallArkku illai pAvamE || Eleven || 

 oDal kooDal – out of love anger they will say “why did You come here, to my house get out and I don’t want to see Your face again” and such things. He will plead with them and say - “I am not Your dAsa? Where can I go? Won’t You allow me inside?” - and so on. He will come near the window smile enchantingly and plead so much that the Aichchis soon forget their anger and forgive Him.

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