The ancient sages instilled the knowledge of the supreme self through four aphorism's which appear as mahakavyas in each of the four vedas.
1. Prajnanam Brahma Consciousness is Brahman: This aphorism appears in Aitareya Upanishad in the Rgveda. It declares that Consciousness in the microcosm is the same consciousness pervading the macrocosm. The all pervading Consciousness is the Supreme reality, Brahman.
2. Tat tvam asi That thou art: Appears in Chandogya Upanishad in the Samaveda. Tat That refers to the Supreme God, Tvam thou to self within, the core of your being. Asi art indicates that God and your Self are one and the same.
3. Ayam Atma Brahma This self is Brahman: In Mandukya Upanishad in the Atharvanaveda. Ayam Atma means this Self. It refers to Consciousness within. Atman,the Self within which activates your body to perceive and act, mind to feel, intellect to think. Atman is the same as all pervading Consciousness Brahman.
4. Aham Brahma asmi I am Brahman; Appears in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad in the Yajurveda. this aphorism is the ultimate pronouncement of the spiritually Enlightened. Aham means I, the Self within. Brahman is the Reality, supreme God. The Enlightened declares his Self to be God.
1. Prajnanam Brahma Consciousness is Brahman: This aphorism appears in Aitareya Upanishad in the Rgveda. It declares that Consciousness in the microcosm is the same consciousness pervading the macrocosm. The all pervading Consciousness is the Supreme reality, Brahman.
2. Tat tvam asi That thou art: Appears in Chandogya Upanishad in the Samaveda. Tat That refers to the Supreme God, Tvam thou to self within, the core of your being. Asi art indicates that God and your Self are one and the same.
3. Ayam Atma Brahma This self is Brahman: In Mandukya Upanishad in the Atharvanaveda. Ayam Atma means this Self. It refers to Consciousness within. Atman,the Self within which activates your body to perceive and act, mind to feel, intellect to think. Atman is the same as all pervading Consciousness Brahman.
4. Aham Brahma asmi I am Brahman; Appears in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad in the Yajurveda. this aphorism is the ultimate pronouncement of the spiritually Enlightened. Aham means I, the Self within. Brahman is the Reality, supreme God. The Enlightened declares his Self to be God.