festivals he depicted above.
Govind's B day cake.
He has learnt so many things on his own with the help of google eg. nos names of animals curtsies etc in various foreign languages amazing the way he goes about educating himself. he has been at it ever since he was a child all the time with the stencil to spell things and convey his messages. he was a late talker but has been a very intelligent child. (shapes) in his toddler years he surprised his play school teacher by fixing two triangles when she asked the children to pick a square. also when he was asked to identify 6 he took nine and inverted the card all this in his toddler years. his teachers were impressed. he showed leadership qualities when in the senior monastery he would like to lead the class by pointing with the rod to the letter or word the children had to repeat. all his teachers had a very soft corner for him his nature being very good and kind never would he be jealous or want things for himself. there was never a time when the teacher had to correct him. he behaved very well his love for books and reading was recognized by his teachers and they would stock extra books for him to read when he was ideal. remember his sports day in the play school the children had gone to a new venue the club grounds for the sports event as Govind did not like to sit quietly the teacher had carried two books for Govind so that he would sit in one place till his event was on. Govind started talking only when he was five and half. but he used to manage himself so very well we often felt there was no need for talk though we waited with all the anxiety for him to talk. amazing boy we all learnt a great deal from him. even today its a joy to be with him he conducts himself s well. God bless you little Govind cant believe you have turned 7 now.
You know all the things written on this cake the details below are for us.
Parabens : Congradulations.in Portuguese
Bon Anniversaire Happy Ann/ birthday in French
Bonne Fete Happy birthday in French.
Alles Gut Zum Geburtstag means may all your wishes come true Happy Birthday in German.
Chestit Rozhden Den Happy birthday in Bulgarian.
Boldog Szuletesnapot being happy in Hungarian.
Multi ani To many years ahead. Romanian.
Fijne Verjaardag Happy Birthday in Dutch.
Buon Compleanno Happy birthday to me in Italian.
Heppi Berdej Happy Birthday n Maltese.
Feltz Cumpleanos Happy birthday in Spanish.his favorite language.
Vse Najbotjse crotian
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