ayodya Kanda chapter 22.
Ramas character stands out in this chapter.every word uttered is fit to be etched in golden letters on our heart.
atha tam vyathayā dīnam saviśeṣam amarṣitam |
śvasantam iva nāga indram roṣa visphārita īkṣaṇam || 2-22-1
āsadya rāmaḥ saumitrim suhRdam bhrātaram priyam |
uvāca idam sa dhairyeṇa dhārayan sattvam ātmavān || 2-22-2
1;2. atha = afterwards; aatmavaan = the self composed; saH ramaH = that Rama; dhaarayan = by controlling; sattvam = mind dhairyeNa = with courage; aasaadya = approached; suhR^idam = the kind hearted; priyam bhraataram = and affectionate brother; soumitrim = Lakshmana; diinam = who was distressed with agony; savisheshham = very much; amarishhitam = angry; naagendramiva = like king cobra; shvasantam = doing hissing; roshha visphaaritatekshhaNam = having eyes dilated with wrath; uvaacha = spoke; idayam = these words.
Afterwards ,the self composed Rama by controlling his thoughts with courage ,approached the kind -hearted and affectionate brother Lakshmana who was distressed with agony who was very much angry like a hissing king cobra ,with his eyes dilated with wrath and spoke the following words.
nigṛhya roṣaṃ śokaṃ ca khairyamāśritya kevalam |
avamānam nirasyemam gṛhītvā harṣamuttamam || 2-22-3
upakluptam hi yatkiṃcidabhiṣekārthamadya me |
srvam visarjaya kṣipram kuru kāryam niratyayam || 2-22-4
3;4. nigR^iyya = Having held back; rosham = anger; shokamcha = and grief; aashritya = take refuge; dhairyam = in courage; kavalam = alone; nirasya = Having expelled; imani = this; avamaanam = insult; gR^ihiitvaa = receive; uttamam = great; harshham = joy ! visarjaya = Abandon; sarvam = all; yatkinchit = that is; upakluptam = arranged; adya = today; me abhishhekaartham = for my coronation; kuru = Do; kshhipram = immediately; kaaryam = action; nirtyayam = that is faultless."
" Hold back grief and anger. Forget this insult, by taking refuge in courage alone. Obtain great joy! Abandon all these arrangements made today for my coronation and immediately take up action that is faultless ."
saumitre yo abhiṣeka arthe mama sambhāra sambhramaḥ |
abhiṣeka nivṛtti arthe so astu sambhāra sambhramaḥ || 2-22-5
5. soumitre = Oh;Lakshmana; yaH = which; sambhaara sambhramaH = zeal for preparations; mama abhishhekaarthe = for my coronation; saH = that; sambhaara sambhramaH = zeal for preparations; astu = be ; abhishheka nivR^ittyarthe = for terminating coronation."
"Oh, Lakshmana! Show the same zeal now in terminating my coronation as the zeal shown earlier in preparations for my coronation."
yasyā mad abhiṣeka artham mānasam paritapyate |
mātā naḥ sā yathā na syāt saviśankā tathā kuru || 2-22-6
6. yasyaaH = which mother's; maanasam = mind ; paritapyate = is angvished; madabhishhekaarthe = about my coronation; saa = such; me mataa = my mother (Kaikeyi); savishaNkaa = having apprehension; yathaa = in which manner; nasyaat = it should not occur; tathaa = in that matter ; kuru = do it ."
"My mother Kaikeyi is still agonized about my coronation. Behave in such a way that no apprehension comes to her mind on this matter."
tasyāḥ śankāmayam duhkham muhūrtam api na utsahe |
manasi pratisamjātam saumitre aham upekṣitum || 2-22-7
7. "soumitre = Oh; Lakshmana! aham = I ; notsahe = do not wish; upekshhitum = to disregard ; duHkham = pain; shaNkaamayam = in the form of suspision; pratisanjaatamapi = created; manasi = in mind ; tasyaaH = of her; muhuurtamapi = even for a moment."
"Oh, Lakshmana! I do not wish to disregard the painful doubt in her mind even for a moment".
na buddhi pūrvam na abuddham smarāmi iha kadācana |
mātṛṇām vā pitur vāham kṛtam alpam ca vipriyam || 2-22-8
8. "aham = I; na smaraami = do not remember; kR^itam = to have done; alpam = small; vipriyam cha = offensive thing indeed; iha = here ; kadaachana = at any time; buddhipuurvam = intentionally; maatR^iiNaamvaa = either to mothers; piturvaa = or to fathers; na = nor do I remember; abuddham = even un intentional action.
"I do not remember to have done even a small disagreeable thing here at any time to my mothers or to my father, either intentionally or unintentionally.
satyaḥ satya abhisaṃdhaḥ ca nityam satya parākramaḥ |
para loka bhayāt bhītaḥ nirbhayo astu pitā mama || 2-22-9
9. astu = Let it be ; mama pitaa = my father; satyaH = who is truthfull; satya paraakramaH = who is truly mighty; bhiitaH = who is afraid of; paralokabhayaat = the fear of the other world; nityam = always; satyaabhisandhaH = true to his promise; nirbhayaH = fearless".
"Let the promise made by my father ,who is truthful, who is truly mighty and who is afraid of the fear of the other world, become true .Let him be fearless."
tasya api hi bhaved asmin karmaṇi apratisamhRte |
satyam na iti manaḥ tāpaḥ tasya tāpaḥ tapec ca mām || 2-22-10
10. tasyaapi = To him also; manastaapaH = anguish; bhavet = will arise; iti = that; satyam na = his word has not come true; asmin karmaNi apasamhR^ite = if this coronation is not with drawn; tasya = his; tapaaH = anguish; tapechcha = will pain; maam = me."
"Our father will feel anguished that his word has not come true ,if this coronation is not withdrawn. His distress will cause pain to me."
abhiṣeka vidhānam tu tasmāt samhṛtya lakṣmaṇa |
anvag eva aham iccāmi vanam gantum itaḥ punaḥ || 2-22-11
11. lakshhmana = "Oh; Lakshmana; tasmaat = for that reason; aham = I; ichchaami = wish; gantum = to go ; vanam = to forest; anvageva = immediately; itaH = from here; samhR^itya = by withdrawing; abhishheka vidhaanam = coronation arrangement."
"Oh, Lakshmana for that reason, I wish to go to forest immediately from her, by withdrawing, coronation arrangement.
mama pravrājanāt adya kṛta kṛtyā nṛpātmajā |
sutam bharatam avyagram abhiṣecayitā tataḥ || 2-22-12
12. adya = Now; mama pravrajanaat = due to my exile to forest; nR^itakrityaa = having; accomplished her purpose; sutam bharatam abhishhechayitaa = will get son Bharata coronated; avyagram = coolly; tataH = afterwards ."
"Soon after my departure to the forest now, Kaikeyi having accomplished her purpose, will coolly get her son coronated."
mayi cīra ajina dhare jaṭā maṇḍala dhāriṇi |
gate araṇyam ca kaikeyyā bhaviṣyati manaḥ sukham || 2-22-13
13. mayi gate = If I go; araNyam = to forest; chiiraajina dhare = wearing deer skin rags; jaaTaamaNdale dhaariNi = wearing twisted locks of hair; kakeyyaa = Kaikeyi; bhavishhyato = will become ; manassukham = mentally pleasant."
"If go to forest , wearing deer -skin rags and with my hair twisted together Kaikeyi will have mental peace."
buddhiḥ praṇītā yena iyam manaḥ ca susamāhitam |
tat tu na arhāmi samkleṣṭum pravrajiṣyāmi māciram || 2-22-14
14. na arhaami = to cause trouble tam = to such father yena = by whom iyam = this buddhiH = decision praNiitam = was taken susamaahitam = with well composed manascha = mind maa = without chiram = delay."
"I do not want to create trouble to my father, who has taken this hard decision in his mind . Hence, I will go to the forest at once.
kṛta antaḥ tu eva saumitre draṣṭavyo mat pravāsane |
rājyasya ca vitīrṇasya punar eva nivartane || 2-22-15
15. soumitre = Oh;Lakshmana! drashhTavyaH = It is perceivable kR^itaantastyaiva = as destiny mivartanecha = in taking back punaraiva = again raajyasya = of kingdom vitiirNasya = given. Matpravaasane = and in sending me to exile".
"Oh, Lakshmana! Look at it as destiny which has taken back kingdom given to me and which is sending me to exile"
kaikeyyāḥ pratipattir hi katham syān mama pīḍane |
yadi bhāvo na daivo ayam kṛta anta vihitaḥ bhavet || 2-22-16
16. na bhavet yati = If not for kR^itaanta vihitaH = making of destiny; ayam = this bhaavaH = thought tasyaaH = in her; katham = how syaat = perhaps pratipattiH = resolution kaikeyyaaH = to Kaikeyi piidane = to herass mama = me
-"If not making of destiny to create such a thought in Kaikeyi, how come she resolved to harass?"
kaikeyyāḥ pratipattir hi katham syān mama pīḍane |
yadi bhāvo na daivo ayam kṛta anta vihitaḥ bhavet || 2-22-16
16. na bhavet yati = If not for kR^itaanta vihitaH = making of destiny; ayam = this bhaavaH = thought tasyaaH = in her; katham = how syaat = perhaps pratipattiH = resolution kaikeyyaaH = to Kaikeyi piidane = to herass mama = me
-"If not making of destiny to create such a thought in Kaikeyi, how come she resolved to harass?"
jānāsi hi yathā saumya na mātṛṣu mama antaram |
bhūta pūrvam viśeṣo vā tasyā mayi sute api vā || 2-22-17
17. soumya = Oh; gentleman jaanaasi = you know ; yathaa = how na bhuutapuurvam = that in the past; there was no antaram = discrimination mama = to me maatR^ishu = among mothers. tasyaaH = to her; visheshhaH = particularly mayi = either in me sute api vaa = or in her son Bharata."
"You know that I had no discrimination among mothers and Kaikeyi also in the past had no discrimination between me and her son Bharata"
so abhiṣeka nivṛtti arthaiḥ pravāsa arthaiḥ ca durvacaiḥ |
ugraiḥ vākyaiḥ aham tasyā na anyad daivāt samarthaye || 2-22-18
18. aham = I na samarthaye = do not perceive anyat = any other thing daivaat = than an accident tasyaaH vaakyaiH = for her words; abhishheka nivR^ittyarthaiH = intended for abolishion of my coronation ; pravaasaarthaishena = desirous of sending me to exile; ugraiH = which are ferocious; durvachaiH = and are not to be talked about."
"I do not perceive any other reason than an accident that made Kaikeyi to abolish my coronation , to send me to exile ,and to speak ferocious words ,not to be talked about."
katham prakṛti sampannā rāja putrī tathā aguṇā |
brūyāt sā prākṛtā iva strī mat pīḍām bhartṛ samnidhau || 2-22-19
19. katham = How saa = she prakR^itisampannaa = who is of a perfect nature tathaaguNaa = and such good qualities; raajaputrii = who was princess bruuyaat = can tell praakR^itaa atriiva = like common woman; bhartR^I sannidhou = before husband matpiidaam = for my trouble?"
"If it is for not an accidental reason, how Kaikeyi who is of a perfect temperament and who is born in a royal family can tell like a common woman to her husband to create trouble for me ?"
yad acintyam tu tat daivam bhūteṣv api na hanyate |
vyaktam mayi ca tasyām ca patitaḥ hi viparyayaḥ || 2-22-20
20. "yat = which daivam = destiny achintyam = is unimaginable tat = that na hanyete = can not be counteracted bhuuteshhvapi = by any living beings viparyayaH = adverse fate patitaH = befall; mayicha = in me tasyaamcha = and in her vyaktam = It is clear."
"The influence of destiny is un imaginable. No living being can counteract its influence. An adverse fate has befallen on me and on her .It is clear now ."
kaścit daivena saumitre yoddhum utsahate pumān |
yasya na grahaṇam kiṃcit karmaṇo anyatra dṛśyate || 2-22-21
21. "soumitre = Oh ;Lakshmana! Pumaan kaH = which man utsahate = will be able yoddhum = to fight against daivena = destiny? kanchit = whatever anyatra = other thing na dR^ishyate = is not being seen karmaNaH = that to follow its course grahaNam = accepting yasya = of which destiny."
"Oh, Lakshmana! There is no means whatsoever to abstain from it otherwise than to follow the course of destiny. Who will be able to fight against the destiny. ?"
sukha duhkhe bhaya krodhau lābha alābhau bhava abhavau |
yasya kiṃcit tathā bhūtam nanu daivasya karma tat || 2-22-22
22. sukha duHkhe = pleasure and pain. bhaya krodhou = fear and anger labhaalabhou = gain and loss; bhaabhaavon = birth and death; yachcha kimchit = what ever other thing tathaabhuutam = of such nature tat = that karmanamu = indeed is action daivasya = of destiny
"Pleasure and pain, fear and anger, gain and loss, birth and death and such other things are all the acts of destiny"
ṛṣayo pyugratapaso daivenābhiprapīḍitāḥ |
utsṛjya niyamām stīvrān bhraśyante kāmamanyubhiḥ || 2-22-23
23. "R^ishhayo api = Even sages; ugra tasaH = with severe penance; abhiprapiiditaa = having harassed daivena = by destiny; utsR^ijya = leave aside niyamaan = restraint; bhrashyante = get ruined kaamamanyubhiH = by lust and anger."
"Even sages, who performed sever penance, having been harassed by destiny leave aside restraint and get ruined by lust and anger."
asamklpitameveha yadakasmāt pravartate |
nivartyārambhamārabdham nanu daivasya karma tat || 2-22-24
24. "tat = It daivasya karmananu = is indeed act of destiny; nivartya = which prevents aarambham = effort aarabdham = undertaken iha = in this world yat = which pravartate ;is going on; akasmaat = suddenly asamkalpitam iva = and unimaginably."
"It is indeed an act of destiny which suddenly and unimaginably obstructs an action, undertaken in the world ,at the starting point itself."
etayā tattvayā buddhyā saṃstabhyātmānamātmanā |
vyāhate api abhiṣeke me paritāpo na vidyate || 2-22-25
25. vyaahate api abhishheke = Even if coronation is obstructed; navidyate = There is no paritaapaH = grief me = to me samtabhyaatmaanamaat manaa = since I have restrained the self by the self; etayaa buddyaa = with this intellect tattvayaa = which is real."
"Although my coronation is obstructed, I have no grief since I have restrained the self by myself with real consciousness."
tasmāt aparitāpaḥ saṃs tvam api anuvidhāya mām |
pratisamhāraya kṣipram ābhiṣecanikīm kriyām || 2-22-26
26. "tasmaat = Hence tvamapi = you also; anuvidhaayi = in obedience maam = to me; pratisamhaaraaya = get withdrawn kriyaam = the execution abhishhechanikiim = relating to coronation kshhipram = immediately aparitaapaH = without agony."
"Hence ,you also ,like me, get the arrangements for coronation withdrawn immediately without any anguish"
ebhireva ghaṭaiḥ sarvairabhiṣecanasambhṛtaiḥ |
mama laksmaṇa tāpasye vratasnānam bhaviṣyati || 2-22-27
27. lakshhmana = Oh; Lakshmana! sarvaiH = All eohiH = these ghataireva = very pots abhishhechana sambR^itaiH = arranged for coronation bhavishhyati = become vratasnaanam = bath after completing religious vow taapasye = of asceticism mama = to me."
Oh, Lakshmana! Let all these very pots of water arranged for coronation be used by me for my bath after completing the religious vow of asceticism."
athavā kim mamaitena rājadravyamayena tu |
uddhṛtam me svayam to yam vratādeśam kariṣyati || 2-22-28
28. "athavaa = Otherwise; kim = what use mama = to me etena = this water in pots raajadravyena = which is royal property? toyam = the water uddhR^itam = drawn out svayam = by myself karishhyati = will do vrataadesham = imposition of the vow me = to me."
"Otherwise ,why to me this water in these pots ,which is royal property? The water drawn out by myself ,will be used for my bath after completing the religious vow."
mā ca lakṣmaṇa samtāpam kārṣīrlakṣmyā viparyaye |
rājyam vā vanavāso vā vanavāso mahodayaḥ || 2-22-29
29. lakshhmaNa = Oh;Lakshmana! maakaarshhiiH = do not cultivate santaapam = repentence viparyaye = about perverseness lakshhmajaaH = of Lakshmi;the goddess of wealth raajyam vaa = kingdom or vanavaasovaa = dwelling in forest; vanavaasaH = forest dwelling is indeed mahodayaH = final beautitude."
"Oh, Lakshmana! Do not repent about this perverseness of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. When you talk of kingdom or dwelling in the forest, this is the final beautitude."
na lakṣmaṇa asmin mama rājya vighne |
mātā yavīyasy atiśankanīyā |
daiva abhipannā hi vadanti aniṣṭam |
jānāsi daivam ca tathā prabhāvam || 2-22-30
30. "lakshmaNa = Oh; Lakshmana! yaviiyasii maataa = our younger mother na atisaNkaniiyaa = is not worthy of suspicion asmin karmavighne = in this obstruction of ceremony. vadatiHi = she is indeed uttering amishhTam = the evil daivaabhipaunaa = being over powered by destiny. jaanaasi = You know daivamcha = also the destiny; tathaa prabhaavam = which has such influence."
"Oh, Lakshmana! Do not suspect our mother for obstruction of coronation ceremony. She is uttering evil words, being overpowered by destiny. You are aware of this destiny, which has such influence."
|| ityārṣe śrrimadrāmāyaṇe ādikāvye ayodhyākāṇḍe dvāviṃśaḥ saragaḥ ||
Thus the end of twenty second chapter of Ayodhya Kanda of Srimad Ramayana.