Friday, November 21, 2014

A Brahmin.

The Gods that man a brahmin name
who wrath can quell and passion tame
who never wrong with wrong repays
and truth regard in all he says.

Tis not high cast or noble birth
but steadfast goodness kindness ruth
calm self control and love of truth
that constitutes a mortal's worth.

That man no evil needs to fear
To whom all men are dear
who ne'er abuse in kind requites
Nor struck again the smiter smites
Who never fears nor fear inspires
who nurses no unblest desires
who can himself endure neglect
but pays to others all respect
who though himself by want opprest
Ne'er envies those by fortune blest
Who even in straits would scorn to lie
And sooner far would dare to die
And thus from every weakness freed
Ne'er sins in thoughts, or words, or deeds
A MODEL MAN who nobly lives
To all a bright example gives.

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