Thursday, November 27, 2014

How the temple came to be.

A Brahmin by name gopinatha lived in the Chola country. He was a great devotee of Lord Krishna. He requested the Lord to give him salvation. Lord advised him to go to Seshachala and worship Srinivasa there. He also assured him enroute he would meet one by name Rangadasa who would also be going to the temple of Srinivasa. As predicted by the Lord when he came to the foot of the hill Rangadasa was also there. Seperately rangadasa had also been informed in a dream to proceed to Seshachala meet gopinath enroute and offer worship to the Lord. The two accordingly went up the hill. As indicated in the dream, they dug the image of the Lord from out of the ant hill.They built a mantapa with a thatched roof and a stone wall around it. Rangadasa also dug a well for the Lord. 

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