Sunday, November 30, 2014

rama dasu bhajan

by Damodara Rao Dasu

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antA rAma mayam - varALi - Adi

Rama dasu sings this song in great ecstasy, totally surrendering to Rama. He chants that the whole universe is filled with the holy name of Rama.
PantA rAmamayam ee jaga mantA rAma mayam ||The whole universe is pervaded by Rama.
C1anta rangamuna atmA rAmunDananta roopamuna vintalu salupaga ||Rama is my conscience. Rama performed astounding deeds in his infinite form.
C2sOmasooryulunu suralu tAralunu
A mahAmbudhulu akhila jagambulu
anDAnDambulu pinDAnDambulu brahmalu modalu ||
The moon, the sun, the celestial beings, the stars, the oceans, the world, Brahma and other celestials are pervaded by Rama.
C3nadulu vanambulu nAnA mrugamulu
vidita karmamulu vEda Sastramulu ||
The rivers, the forests, all the animals, all the destined acts (karmas), the Vedas, and other holy books are pervaded by Rama.
dikkulunu Adi SeshuDunu
ashTa vasuvulu arishaD vargamulu ||
All the eight directions, Adi Sesha the primordial serpant, the eight vasus (celestial beings), all the six evils (craving, anger, delusion, miserliness, arrogance, jealousy) are pervaded by Rama.
dheeruDu bhadrAchala rAma dAsuni
kOrikalOsageDi tAraka nAmamu ||
This 'Taraka Namam' bestows all boons to the bold Bhadrachala Ramadasu.

charaNamule - kApi - Adi

In this keertana, Ramadasu expresses his absolute faith in the divine feet of Rama and adds that His lotus feet are his sole support.
PcharaNamu lE nammiti nee divya charaNamulE nammiti ||Oh Rama, I have absolute faith in your divine feet.
C1vAradhi gaTTina bhadrAchala varadA varadA nee divya ||You built bridge across the sea. Oh benevolent Lord of Bhadrachala, You bless us with boons.
C2Adi SEsha nannara mara jEyaku mayya nee divya ||You are the primordial. You are Adi Shesha. Please dont doubt my devotion.
C3vanamuna rAtini vanitagA jEsina charaNamu SaraNamu nee divya ||
pAdAra vindamE AdhAramani nE paTTiti paTTiti nee divya ||
baguga nannElu bhadrAchala rAma dAsuDa dAsuDa dAsuDa dAsuDa ||
By the very touch of your holy feet, a stone turned into a beautiful woman (Ahalya was cursed by Gautama to become a stone). I hold your lotus feet with absolute faith as my prop. I am always your servant. Oh Rama, protect me well.

Emayya rAma - kAmbhOji

In this keertana, Ramadasu tells us that everyone that moved with Rama (or Krishna) viewed him in different ways i.e. as a friend, as a foe, as a master, as a lover, etc. but none really viewed and served him as the Supreme God.
Pemayya rAma brahmEndrAdulaku naina nee mAya teliya vaSamA ||Oh Rama, is it possible even for Indra, Brahma, and other Gods to comprehend your mysteries?
C1kAmAri vinuta guNa dhAma kuvalaya daLa
SyAmA nanu ganna tanDri rAmA ||

Siva, the enemy of Manmadha adores you. You are the abode of good qualities. Petals of water lily resemble you in color. Oh Rama, you are my father.
C2sutuDanuchu daSarathuDu, hitu Danuchu sugreevu
dali bAluDanuchu kavulu,
kshiti nAdhu Danuchu bhoo patulu kolichiri gAni
patita pAvanuDanuchu mati teliya lErairi ||
Dasaradha considered that you are his son. Sugreeva considered you as his well-wisher. Poets adore you as an ideal son. Kings admire you as the Lord of the world. But they are unaware that you are the redeemer of the fallen.
C3chelimi kADavanuchu pAnDavulu nija virOdhi vaTanchu
ala jarAsandhAdulu kala vADavani kuchElunDu neringiri gAni
O jalajAksha ninnu sEvimpa lerairi ||
Pandavas moved with you as their friend. Jarasandha and other demons treated you as their enemy. Kuchela viewed you as a rich person. Oh lotus-eyed Rama, none of them worshipped you as God.
C4naruDavani narulu tama dora vanuchu yAdavulu
varuDa vanchu gOpa satulu
kari varada bhadrAdri pura nilaya rAma dAsa
paramAtmuDani ninnu bhAvimpa lErairi ||
People thought that you are just a human being. Yadavas respected you as their master. Gopikas only believed that you are their lover. You rescued Gajendra, the elephant king. Bhadradri is your abode. People do not know that you are the Supreme Lord of Ramadasu.

ennagAnu rAma bhajana - pantuvarALi - roopakam

In this popular keertana, Ramadasu expresses his firm faith that there is nothing greater than singing Rama's glory. He tells about the redeeming of Ahalya's curse.
Penna gAnu rAma bhajana mikkilunnadA ||
sannu tinchi Sree rAma chandru talachavE manasA
kanna vinna vAri vEDu konna nemi phalamu manasa ||
Oh my heart, adore Sri Ramachandra and think of him only. What is the use of begging help from your family and friends?
C1rAmachilaka nokaTi penchi prEma mATalADa nErpi rama rama rama yanuchu ramaNi yokatE palkagA prEma meera bhadrAdri dhAmuDai rAmavibhuDu kAmitArdhamu phalamu lichichi kaivalya mosaga lEda ||I taught my pet parrot to utter Rama, Rama, Rama. When the beautiful parrot chanted your name, were you not pleased? Did you not fulfill its wishes and grant salvation?
C2SApa kAranamuna ahalya chApa rAti chandamAye
pApa mella bAsE rAma padamu sOkinanta nE
roopavatulalO adhika roopu rEkhalanu kaligiyu
tApa mella teeri rAma tatva mella telupa lEdA ||
Ahalya became a rock because of curse but by the very touch of Rama's foot all her sins were dispelled. She was the most beautiful among beauties. Was not she pacified? Did you not show your power to her?

Eteeruga - nAdanAmakriya - Adi

In this keertana, Ramadasu begs Rama to pardon his earlier cruel behavior. He praises Him as the abode of compassion and as the Lord of the universe.
PEteeruga nanu dayachoosedavO inavamSOttama rAmA
nA taramA bhava sAgara meedanu naLina daLEkshaNa rAmA ||
I dont know in which manner you show mercy , Oh Rama the noblest king of sun dynasty, is it possible for me to swim across the ocean of worldly problems? Oh Rama your eyes are beautiful like lotus petals.
C1Sree raghu nandana seetA ramaNa Srita jana pOshaka rAmA
kAruNyAlaya bhakta varada ninu kannadi kAnupu rAmA||
Oh Raghu nandana, Oh lord of Sita, Oh Rama, the protector of the helpless. You are the abode of kindness, you are the bestower of boons to devotees. Mother Kousalya is fortunate to give birth to you.
C2muripemutO nA swAmi neevani munduga delpiti rAmA
maruvaka ika nabhimAnamuncha nee marugu jochchitini rAmA ||
Oh Rama, I already declared with pride that you are my Lord. I stepped into your fold seeking for your unfailing love.
C3kroora karmamulu nEraka jEsiti nEramulenchaku rAmA
dAridryamu pari hAramu chEyave daiva sikhA maNi rAmA ||
Please don't find fault with me for the evil acts committed due to ignorance. Please eradicate my poverty. Oh Rama, you are the supreme gem.
C4guruDavu nAmadi daivamu neevani guru SAstrambulu rAmA
guru daivambani yerugaka tirigeDu krooruDa naitini rAmA
You are my Guru. You are my God. You are the master of all great Sastras.
Oh Rama I ignorantly lived like a cruel person.
C5tAndavamuna kakhilAnDa kOTi brahmAnDa nAyakA rAmA
banDhanamuna neenAmamu dalachina brahmAnandamu rAmA ||
Oh Rama, you are the Lord of the Cosmos. Thinking of your name itself bestows bliss during imprisonment.
C6vAsava kamala bhava sura vandita vAradhi bandhana rAmA
sArchita mAkabhaya mosangave daSarathi raghu rAmA ||
Indra, Brahma, and other celestial beings bow to you. You built bridge on the sea. Oh Rama the son of Dasaradha, I pray to you, why don't you make me fearless?
C7vAsava nuta rAma dAsa pOshaka vandana mayOdhya rAmA
bhasura vara sadguNa mulu kalgina bhadradreeswara rAmA ||
Indra worships you. You are protector of Ramadasu. I bow to you Ayodhya Rama. You are luminous with noble qualities. Oh Rama, you are the Lord of Bhadradri.

garuDa gamana rA rA - kaLAnidhi - Adi

In this keertana, Ramadasu implores Rama to come soon to protect him from all his anxious moments. He declares that he totally surrendered to his Lord Rama.
PgaruDa gamana rAra nanu nee karuNa nElu kOra||Oh Maha Vishnu who flies on the Garuda, Please come and protect me, (Vishnu).
C1parama purusha E veravu lEka nee marugu jochchitini ara mara sEyaka ||Oh Supreme Lord, I surrendered to you without any hesitation.
C2piluva GAne rammi abhayamu talapagAne immi
kalimi balimi nA kalalO neevani palavarinchina nanu ganna ayya ||
Please come soon. When I think of you, you assure me protection. Even in my dreams I utter that you are my wealth and strength.
C3pAla kaDali SayanA daSaratha bAla jalaja nayana
pAla munchinA neeTa munchinA nee pAla baDitini jAlamu sEyaka ||
You recline on the celestial milk-ocean. You are the son of Dasaratha. You have lotus-like eyes. Whether you save me or sink me, I totally surrender to you. Please don't delay.
C4yELa rAvu swAmi nanu ipuDElukO vadEmi
Elu vADavani chAla nammitini
Ela rAvu karuNala vAla hari
inta panta mEla bhadra gireeSa varakrupAla
chinta laNachi Sree rAma dAsuni anta ranga pativai rakshimpumu ||
Oh Lord,why don't you come and protect me? I implicitly believed that you are my savior. Oh Hari, the embodiment of kindness, why don't you come? why are you so stubborn? Oh Lord of Bhadragiri, you are merciful. Assuage my agony and save me. Oh Lord of Ramadasu, please be close to me.

idigo bhadrAdri - varALi - Adi

In this keertana, Ramadasu describes the beauty and grandeur of Bhadrachala Rama temple and implores us to pray to the Lord.
PidigO bhadrAdri goutami adigO chooDanDi ||Here is Bhadradri. Here is Gautami (Godavari River).
C1mudamuto seetA mudita lakshmaNulu
kalasi koluvaga raghupati yunDeDi||
Look at that abode delightfully. There beautiful Sita and Lakshmana adore Sri Raghu Rama.
C2chAru swarNa prAkAra gOpura
dwAramulatO sundara mai yunDeDi ||
It is the magnificent abode surrounded by golden towers and gates.
C3anupamAnamai ati sundara mai
danaru chakramu dhaga dhaga meriseDi ||
It is the most beautiful and unparalleled sight with the divine glittering discus.
C4kali yugamanduna ila vaikunTamu nalaru chunnadi nayamuga mrokkuDi ||It is flourishing as paradise on the earth in this age of Kali. Bow and pray with devotion.
C5ponnala pogaDala poo podarinDlanu
chennu meegaDanu srungAram baDu ||
Look at the colorful Punnaga and Pogada bowers, It is very delightful like cream of milk.
C6Sree karamuga rAmdAsunu prAkaTa muga brOchE prabhu vAsamu ||It is the abode of the Lord that protects Ramadasu with prosperity.

ikshvAku kula tilaka - yadukula kAmbhoji

This keertana is known for 'Ninda Stuti' wherein a devotee takes utters taunting words to his Lord, but ultimately apologises, confessing that he lost his patience due to unbearable agony.
PikshvAku kula tilaka ika naina balukavu rAmachandra
nannu rakshimpa kunnanu rakshaku levarinka rAmachandra ||
Oh Ramachandra, the noblest person of Ikshvaku dynasty, if you don't protect me, who else is there for me?
C1chuTTu prAkaramulu somputo gaTTisti rAma chandra
A prAkAramula ku baTTe padi vELa varahAlu rAmachandra||
, Oh Ramachandra, I built the ramparts around the temple spending ten thousand varahalu (money).
C2gOpura manTapAlu kuduruga gaTTisti rAma chandra
nanu krottaga chooDaka ittari brOvumu rAma chadra ||
I got the pavilions built in the towers. Please don't treat me as a stranger. Oh Ramachandra, protect me.
C3bharatunaku chEyisti pachchala patakamu rAma chandra
A patakanunaku paTTe padi vEla varahAlu rAma chandra ||
I offered emerald medallion to Bharata, spending ten thousand varahalu.
C4Satrughnunaku chEyisti bangAru molatAdu rAmachandra
A mola trATiki paTTe mohareelu padivElu rAmachandra ||
I presented a gold belt to Satrughna, spending ten thousand moharilu (money).
C5lakshmaNunaku mutyAla patakamu rAmachandra
A pata kamunaku padi vEla varahAlu rAmachandra ||
I presented a beautiful pearl medallion to Lakshmana spending ten thousand varahaalu.
C6seetammaku chEyisti chintAku patakamu rAmachandra
A patakamunaku paTTe padi vEla varahAlu rAmachandra ||
I offered a valuable pendant to Mother Sita, costing ten thousand varahaalu.
C7vAhanamulu meeku varusa to chEyisti rAma chandra
jagan mOhana sankeLLu vEsiri rAma chandra
I presented vahanas (vehicles) to each one of you, but I am fettered with chains.
C8kaliki turAyi neeku merupuga chEyiste rAma chandra
neevukulu kuchu tirigedavu
yevarabba sommani rAmachandra ||
I presented you a pretty and glittering plume with which you wear with pride.Do you think this Jeweley is your ancestoral propertyy?
C9mee tanDri daSaratha mahArAju peTTenA rAmachandra
lEka nee mAma janaka mahA rAju pampena rAmachandra ||
Did emperor Dasaratha, your father, present you with all these ornaments? Or did emperor Janaka, your father-in-law send them to you?
C10abba tiTTiti nani AyAsa paDa vaddu rAma chandra
ee debba la kOrvaka abba tiTTiti nayya rAmachandra ||
Pardon me, don't be weary. I blamed you because I was not able to bear the torture.
C11ETi challina neeLLAye nA bratuku rAmachandra
nEnu adhamurAlu kanTe anyAya maitini rAma chandra ||
My life has become useless like the water sprinkled on a river. I became worse than the down trodden wome women.
C12sarkAru paikamu truNamuga yenchaka rAma chandra
debbalu tinalEnu appu teerchu rAma chandra ||
I did not consider that the government money was so valuable, while spending it for you. I cannot bear the lashes any more. Oh Rama, please clear my debt.
C13kausalya putruDa daSaratha tanayuDa rAma chandra
kAvu kshEmamuga bhadradri nelakonna Sree rAma chandra ||
Oh son of Dasaratha and Kausalya, you established your self well in Bhadrachalam. Please save me.
C14bhaktu landarini paripAlincheDi Sree rAma chandra
neevu kshEmamuga Sree rAma dAsuni Elumu rAma chandra ||
Oh Ramachandra, you are the savior of devotees. Please protect Rama dasu.

jaya jAnaki ramaNa - bhAgESwari

In this Sanskrit keertana, Ramadasu praises the exemplary qualities, heroic deeds, and the majestic personality of Sri Rama.
Pjaya jAnaki ramaNa jaya vibheeshaNa SaraNa
jaya sarOruha charaNa jaya tamO haraNa ||
Victory to the Lord of Janaki, to the protector of Vibheeshana, to the Lord with lotus-like feet and to the Lord that dispels all darkness.
C1jaya trilOka SaraNya jaya bhakta kAruNya
jaya ramya lAvaNya jaya sadvarENya
Victory to the savior of the three lokas (universe), to the repository of kindness, to the Lord that bestows boons and to the most eminent one.
C2sakala lOka nivAsa sAkEta pura vAsa
akaLanka nija hAsa abja hAsa abja mukha bhAsa ||
You dwell in all the lokas and in Saketa (Ayodhya). You are unblemished with cheerful countenance. Your smile resembles the brightness of a lotus.
C3Suka mouni nuta pAtra Subha ramya chAritra
makara kunDala vaktra mahaneeya gAtra ||
You are adored by Sage Suka and known for your impeccable history. You wear ear-ornaments. You have excellent body.
C4kama neeya konTeera koustubhA lankAra
kamalAksha raghu veera kalusha samhAra ||
You are beautiful with Koustubha gem. Your eyes are beautiful like lotus. You are the warrior of the Raguhu dynasty who dispels sins.
C5samara ripu jaya dheera sakala guNa gambheera
amala hrutsanchAra akhilArti hAra ||
You vanquish enemies in war. You are paragon of virtues living in the hearts of pious people. You are destroyer of all afflictions.
C6roopa varjita mAra ruchira saguNa Soora
bhoopa daSaratha kumAra bhoori yAbharaNa hara
Manmadha, who is formless adores you. You are hero with virtues. You are the son of King Dasaratha. You are adorned with gold ornaments well.
C7pApa sangha vidAra pankti mukha samhAra Sree patE sukumAra seeta vihAra ||You dispel clusters of sins. You destroyed the ten headed Ravana. You are beautiful Sripati moving pleasantly with Sita.

nanu brOvamani chappave - kalyANi - Adi

In this interesting keertana, Ramadasu requests Mother Sita to recommend to her husband Rama when he is in good mood, to protect him.
Pnanu brOvamani cheppa vE seetamma talli
nanu brOvamani cheppa vE ||
Oh Mother Sita, please tell Rama to protect me.
C1nanu brOvamani naree SirOmaNi
janakuni kootura janani jAnakamma ||
Oh jewel of womenfolk, Oh daughter of Janaka, Oh mother Janaki please tell him to protect me .
C2prakkana chEri chekkili nokkuchu
chakkaga maru kELi chokki yunDu vELa ||
Staying by his side, pressing his cheeks at the time of meeting him in love, please tell him.
C3lOkAnta ranguDu Sree kAnta ninu gooDi
EkAnta muna Eka seyya nunna vELa ||
Please request your lord, the inner conscience of the universe, when he is with you in bed.
C4adrija vinutuDu bhadra gireeSuDu
nidra mElkonu vELa nelatarO bOdhinchi ||
Parvati worships him. He is the Lord of Bhadragiri. Oh great lady, convince him when he is waking up from sleep.

nee sankalpam - poorvikalyANi - Adi

In this keertana, Ramadasu expresses his ignorance in guessing the plans of Rama. He says that he will not seek help from anyone other than Rama.
Pnee salkalpam beTu vanTidO gana nEnenta vADarA rAma nee
vAsi tarigi nee dAsa janulu bhuvi kASa paDina yA ghana mevvaridO nee ||
Oh Rama, who am I after all to know the nature of your resolve? Your devotees are fascinated with worldly problems When their devotion to you is reducing, whose greatness is it?
C1brOchina mari viDa joochina nee krupa gAchi yunDu gAni
tOchee tOchakanu toDari karambula chAchi parula nE yAchana sEyanu nee ||
Whether you protect me or leave me away, I await unswervingly for your grace. I'll not obediently beg others.
C2paTu taramuga nee maTu mAYalakunu neTuvale nOrtunu
chaTula tarambuga jalagu bhavAmbudhi neTu dATudu nEnevarini doorudu nee ||
How can I endure steadfastly your incomprehensible and mysterious ways? How can I cross the turbulent ocean of worldly problems?
C3bhAvaja ripu nuta parama purusha nee bhAvamu teliyaduga
dEva dEva nee sEvaka janulaku sEvakuDanu nanu gAvumu mrokkeda nee ||
Oh Supreme Rama, Siva adores you. Your views are incomprehensible. Oh lord of lords, I am servant of your servants. Please protect me, I bow to you.
C4dari jErchedavani dhairyamu chE nee dari chEritini gAni
arasi brOvagade yAraDi peTTuTa yeruga naiti nA doravanu konTi nee ||
I have come to you with the confidence that you'll enable me to reach the shore. Why don't you protect me? I never thought that you would keep me in agony. I believed that you are my lord.
C5SaraNAgata rakshaNa bhava sAgara taraNa ripu haraNa karuNa jooDu bhadrAdri nivAsA ara mara chEyaku hari ninu nammiti nee ||You protect those who seek your help. You enable us cross the ocean of worldly problems. You are tormentor of enemies. Please show mercy without hesitation. I've implicit faith in you. Oh Hari, you dwell in Bhadradri.

paluke bangAra mAye - Ananda bhairavi

In this popular song, Rama dasu taunts Rama, saying that Rama was not conversing with him and that words of Rama became as scarce as gold.
PpalukE bangAra mAyanA kOdanDa pANi
palukE bangAra mAye pilachina paluka vEmi
kalalO nee nAma smaraNa marava chakkani tanDri ||
Your talk has become gold, Oh Kodandapani (Rama with bow in hand). Why don't you talk when I call you? I think of your name even in my dreams. Oh my dear father, I can never forget you.
C1iruvuga isukalOna boralina uDuta bhaktiki
karuNinchi brOchiti vani nera nammiti ninnE tanDri ||
When a squirrel rolled in sand to help you in a humble way, you kindly protected it. I have immense faith in you only.
C2rAti nAtiga jEsi bhootala muna pra
khyAti chenditi vani preetitO nammiti tanDri
Oh my father I fondly believed that you earned fame by transforming a stone into Ahalya compassionately.
C3enta vEDina gAni suntaina daya rAdu
pantambu sEya nE nentaTi vADanu tanDri ||
Oh my father, why are you not compassionate? I've been begging repeatedly. What am I after all!
C4SaraNAgata trANa birudAnkituDavu gAda
karuNinchi bhadrAchala vara rAma dAsa pOshaka ||
You possess the title 'protector of devotees'. I pray for your mercy. Please bless Bhadrachala Ramadasu and protect.

rAma chandrAya - SankarabharaNam

This is a Mangalam (a benediction song) to Sree Ramachandra at Bhadrachalam. Ramadasu praises the noble qualities and the attractive personality of Sri Rama very well.
PrAma chandrAya janaka rAja jA manOharAya
mAmakA bheeshTa dAya mahita mangaLam ||
Mangalam (wishing prosperity and happiness) to Ramachandra who won the heart of Janaka's daughter Sita and who fulfills all our wishes.
C1kOsalEndrAya manda hAsa dAsa pOshaNAya
vAsavAdi vinuta sadvarada mangaLam ||
Mangalam to the son of Kousalya who has a gentle smile on his face, who protects his devotees and who is worshipped by Devendra.
C2chAru kumkumO pEta chandanAdi charchitAya
hAraka SObhitAya bhoori mangaLam ||
He is beautiful with Kum Kuma (vermillion) on his forehead. He is shining with sandal paste smeared on his body and with garlands on his neck. Wish him a golden benediction.
C3lalita ratna kunDalAya tulasee vana mAlikAya
jalaja sadruSa dEhAya chAru mangaLam ||
Beautiful Mangalam to the God who is adorned with diamond hangings on his ears, to the God who is adorned with Tulasi garlands and to the God who is like the blue sky.
C4dEvakee putrAya dEva dEvOttamAya chAva jAta guru varAya bhavya mangaLam ||Mangalam to the son of Devaki, the best of all Gods and the most eminent Guru.
C5punDaree kAkshAya poorNa chandrAnanAya
anDa jAta vAhanAya atula mangaLam ||
Unique Mangalam to the one with lotus-like eyes, to the one who shines like the full moon and to the one who has Garuda bird as his vehicle.
C6vimala roopAya vividha vEdAnta vEdyAya
sujana chitta kAmitAya subhaga mangaLam ||
Lovely Mangalam to Rama, the unblemished, who knows the transcendental philosophy and who fulfills the desires of devotees.
C7rAma dAsa mrudula hrudaya tAmarasa nivAsAya
swAmi bhadra girivarAya sarva mangaLam
Mangalam to Rama whose heart is gentle and who is the Lord of Bhadrachala Ramadasu..

rAmachandrulu - asAvEri - chApu

This Keertana contains Ninda Stuti (devotion with taunting words). Rama dasu accuses Rama that he was stubborn in ignoring him and his prayers. He tells Mother Sita about his difficulties and requests her to convey to Rama his plight.
PrAma chandrulu nApai chalamu chEsi nAru seetamma cheppa vamma ||Why is Ramachandra wavering in showing kindness? Please tell me, my mother Sita.
C1kaTa kaTa vina DEmi sEyudu kaThina chittuni manasu karugada
karmamulu yeTu lunDu nO kadA dharma mE nee kunDu namma ||
Alas, what can I do? He is very stubborn, he is not softening. I don't know what my fate is. Only dharma (righteousness) should protect me.
C2dina dinamu nee chuTTu deenata tO tiruga dikkevva rinka mAkOyamma ||I have been praying to you only all the time.
Oh my mother, who else should I depend upon? .
C3deena pOshaku Danuchu vEDiti dikku lanniyu prakaTa mAyenu
vakka mATainanu vinaDu ekku vEmani talatu namma ||
He is known to be the protector of hapless. Oh my mother Why is he so reserved?. He does not listen to even one word. What more can I think of him.
C4kausalya tanayudu kapaTamu chEsinADu kAraNa miTunDenu
kannaDa chEsedavA nee kannula vaibhavambu vinna vimpa gadamma
nee kanna dikkevva rO yamma ||
Rama the son of Kausalya is not sincere.
Why don't you explain to him, with beautiful expression in your eyes? Oh my mother, who else is there for me?.
C5daSaraThAtmajuDentO dayaSali yanu konTi dharma heenuDE yamma
dAsa janulaku dAta yataDaTa vAsiga bhadra gireeSuDaTa
rAma dAsuni yEla rADaTa ravi kulAmbudhi sOmu Dita DaTa ||
I thought Rama the son of Dasaratha, is the embodiment of compassion. But he is failing in his Dharma. He is known to be benefactor of his devotees. He is renowned as Lord of Bhadrachala. But he is not prepared to protect me, even though he is known as the moon of the Solar dynasty.

SaraNagata rakshaNa - yamunA kaLyANi - Eka

Rama dasu praises Bhadradri Rama as the protector of Gajendra the elephant, and Prahalada the ardent devotee of Hari. He urges Rama to assuage his fears and to protect him.
PSaraNagata rakshaNa birudani nE SaraNanTi nayya
veruvaku mani abhayambosamgavE nanu ganna tanDri vayya ||
I sought your shelter, knowing that you possess the title 'protector of devotees'. Oh my father, I pray for your assurance to free me from all fears.
C1kari varadA sirulosaganu daSaraTha kumAra rAvayya
niratamu nee nAmamu jihvaku ruchi kara madi ee vayya ||
You blessed Gajendra, the king of elephants. Oh Rama the son of Dasaratha, bestow me perpetual happiness in chanting your name.
C2narahari bAluni gAchina Sree jagannAdha vina vayya
garuDa vAhanu Da vai nA kannula ganupimpa vayya ||
Oh lord of the universe, as Narasimha (man-lion), you protected Prahlada. Please listen. Please appear before me seated on Garudavahana and shower compassion.
C3Adi dEva nee chittamu bhAgyamu Adarimpa vayya
nee dAsulakunu nE dAsuDa daya yunchi yElu mayya ||
Oh primordial God, your will is my fortune. Please treat me kindly. I am the servant of your servants. Kindly protect me.
C4hari nee tOTi samAna maina mA yAptulu levarayya
karuNA sAgaruDa vani moraliDagA kanika rincha vEmayya ||
Who is more intimate to me than you? I know that you are ocean of compassion. I beg for your grace.
C5kOriti nA daivamu neevE yanu konTini gadayya
nEramu lenchaka gAravinchi krupa nElu nalla nayya ||
I wholeheartedly thought that you are my dear Lord. Oh God, shower your compassion, ignoring my mistakes.
C6muripemuga Sree rAmadAsuDani muchchaTa lADu mayya
narulanu brOcheDi bhadrAchala pati neevu gAdaTayya ||
Please converse fondly with your devotee Ramadasu . You are the Lord of Bhadrachala. You are the saviour of the mankind.

seetA rAma swamy - asAvEri

In this song, Ramadasu sarcastically says to Rama that he only requested for an opportunity to serve him but not for any material benefits.
PseetA rAma swAmee nEjEsina nErambEmi
khyAtiga nee kanja yugamunE preetiga dalapa bhEda menchitina ||
Oh Sita Rama Swamy, what sin did I commit? Did I neglect adoring your lotus feet in a proper manner?
C1ranguga nA padi vELLaku ratnapu Tungaramulu ninnaDi gitinA
sangati bangAru SAluva pAgA angeel naDi kaTlaDi gitinA
chengaTi bhoosura pungavu lennaga chevu laku chowkaTlaDi gitina
muvvalu golusulu mutyapu saramulu anganalaku ninnaDigitina ||
Did I ask you to give me diamond rings for my ten fingers or golden shawl, or turban or rich dresses? Did I ask for pearl studded earrings to earn the learned Brahmins' praise? Did I ask for tinkling anklets or necklaces for women?
C2prEma tO nava ratnambulu dApina hEma kireeTam baDigitina
kOlama magu meDalO pushpa dAmamu limmani aDigitina
mOmATamu paDa kunDaga needagu murugulu golusulu aDigitina
kamalEkshaNa mimu sEvinchuTa kai ghana muga rammani pilichiti gAni ||
Did I ask for a diamond studded gold crown or beautiful flower garlands?. Did I ask for your bracelets ? Oh lotus eyed Rama, I only invited you in order to serve you in a grand manner.
C3tarachuna nee padamula namarina sari gajjala ninu nE naDigitina
karuNA rasa mupponga gaja turagamu limmani nE naDigitina
paramAtma nee bangAru SAluva pai gappaga nE naDigitina
smara sundara vara samrakshaNa dhana mimmani ninnaDigitina ||
Did I ask you for your tinkling anklets or elephants and horses? Did I ask you to honor me with a golden shawl or money for my maintenance?
C4pra Sastha bhadrAdreeSuDa vani prabhutva mimmani yaDi giti nA
daSaraTha suta nee chEta dharinchina dAna kankaNam baDigitinA
viSadamugA nee mElimi mola nool vEDuka tO ninnaDigitinA
Elumu bhoomini kuchchala nElaku nekkuva gA ninnaDigitinA ||
Oh Lord of Bhadradri, did I ask you to empower me to rule Bhadradri? Oh son of Dasaratha, did I ask for your precious bracelet, the symbol for your charity? Did I ask for the gold string on your waist? Did I request you for land and heaps of grains?

takkuvEmi manaku - sourAshTra

In this song Rama Dasu narrates the achievements of Sri Maha Vishnu in this world taking up ten incarnations (Dasavataras). He expresses confidence that God is always on his side to protect.
Ptakku vEmi manaku rAmun Dokka DunDu varaku prakka tODugA bhagavantuDu mana chakradhAri yai chentane yunDaga ||When Rama is there on our side, what is lacking? When the God holding discus (chakra) is close to us, what is lacking?
C1mutchu sOmakuni munu jampina yA
matsya moorti mana pakshamunDaganu ||
In Matsyavataram (incarnation as fish) he destroyed the deceitful Somaka. When he is there on our side, what is lacking?
C2surala koraku mandara giri mOsina koormAvatAruni krupa mana kunDaga ||In Koormavataram (incarnation as turtle) he bore the Mandara Mountain on his back to help Devatas. When His grace is there for us, what is lacking?
C3durAtmunA hiraNyAkshu drunchina
varAha moorti mana vADai yunDaga ||
In Varahavataram (incarnation as boar), he destroyed the demon Hiranyaksha. When he is our person, what is lacking?
C4bhoomi swargamunu ponduga golichina vAmanunDu mana vADai yunDa ga ||In Vamanavataram, he scaled the earth and the heavens easily. When he is ours, what is lacking?
C5dharalO kshatriyulanu danDinchina
paraSu rAmuDu mana pAliTa nunDaga ||
In Parasuramavataram, He punished the Kshatriya kings. When he is there to save us, what is lacking?
C6daSa greevu munu danDinchina yA
daSaratha rAmuni daya mana kunDaga ||
In Ramavataram, he destroyed the ten-headed Ravana. When his compassion is there for us, what is lacking?
C7ila lO yadu kula mandudayinchina
balarAmuDu mana balamai yunDaga ||
In Balaramavataram, he was born in Yadu dynasty. When he is our strength, what is lacking?
C8dushTa kansuni drunchi naTTi
Sree krishNu Du mana pai krupa tOnundaga ||
In Krishnavataram, he killed the evil Kamsa. When his mercy is there for us, what is lacking?
C9kaliyugAntamuna kaligeDi daivamu
kaliki manalanu kAvaga nunDaga ||
God will appear as Kalki by the end of the Kali Yuga (millennium). When he is there to save us, what is lacking?
C10rAma dAsuni gAcheDi Sree ma
nnArAyaNu nera nammi yunDa ga ||
Surely, Srimannarayana is there to protect Ramadasu. Then, what is lacking ?

tAraka mantramu - dhanyAsi - Adi

Ramadasu sings this song rejoicing over discovering the Taraka Mantram (the incantation for salvation) which he says is the panacea to dispel our sins, to escape the cycle of births and deaths and to attain salvation.
PtAraka mantramu kOrina dorikenu dhanyuDa naitini O ranna !
meerina kAluni dootala pAliTi mrutyuvu yani madi nammanna
machchika tO nitarAntarambula mAyalalO paDa bOkannA ||
Ah, I found the Mantra for liberation that I yearned for. I am very fortunate. Believe it, this mantra is the death knell even to the messengers of Yama, the powerful god of death.
C1hechchuga nooTa yenimidi tirupatu lelami tiruga pani lEdannA Don't get yourself entangled in deluding attachments.
There is no need to go round 108 pilgrim centers like Tirupati.
C2muchchaTagA nA puNya nadulalO munigeDi pani yEmiTi kannA
vachcheDi parva dinamula lO suDi paduTayu mAnaka yunDannA ||
There is no need to take dip in the scared rivers on holy occasions. Whirl pools in the rivers will never cease.
C3enni janmamula lunDi choosinanu EkO nArAyaNu DannA
anni roopulai yunna nA paramAtmuni nAmamu katha vinnA ||
In all your births and rebirths, you see the God Narayana only. Listen to the legends of the Supreme Soul Sri Maha Vishnu that manifests in the different forms in this world.
enni janmamula chEsina pApamu lee janmamulO viDu nannA
anniTi kidi kaDa sAri janmamu satyambika puTTuka sunna ||
All the sins accumulated in the previous births are dispelled in this birth itself. This will be your last birth in this world. It is true, you will be free from rebirth.
C5nirmala mantarlakshya bhAvamu nityA nandamu tO nunna
karmambulu viDi mOksha paddhatini kannula joochuchu nunna ||
Pure contemplation, perpetual happiness and detachment to Karmas show the path for salvation.
C6dharmamu tappaka bhadrAdheeSuni tana madilO nammika yunna
marmamu delipina rAma dAsu hruNmandiramuna yunna ||
Ramadasu has absolute faith in the lord of Bhadradri. He revealed Taraka Mantram to me. I always keep it in my temple-like heart.

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