Monday, November 10, 2014

Unique features of the temple Thirukkodithanam

Thirukkodithanam is situated 2 miles east of Chengannacherry on the thiruvallar Kottayam road. Also known as Athputha Narayana Temple.
There are three idols in the same Garbha graha. The idol of Lord Vishnu can be seen through a door in front of the Sree Koil. To the right of the idol of Vishnu is the idol of Dakshinamurthy, there is no separate door for viewing Dakshina murthy it has to be seen through a small eye like opening sculpted in the wall of the Sree Koil in front of this vigraha. The third idol is that of Lord Narasimha which is situated right behind the idol of Vishnu. This idol also can be seen through a similar small hole of opening through the front wall. The processional diety taken out is however that of Lord Vishnu alone along with his consort Lakshmi devi seated on Garuda.
This place is also believed to be a seat of learning in the olden days.
Legend connected to this place says the famous Pandu couple (Pandu and Madri). that Pandu died here and Madri committed Sati here. an incident connected with this is established in the unique form of ritual followed here. During the month of November and December on the 9th day a ceremony called "Deepam" is observed. The Plantain leaves are arranged in the form of a funeral fire and small torches are inserted into them. they are then soaked in oil and lighted, the percussion instrument played on this occssion bring out a melancholy note called Chadikkottu. it is said to be a rare form of drumming. similarly Asukottuka is also a peculiar event performed during that festival the drummers get paid by the devotee also connected with the above incident.
The devotees who visit this temple while doing pradakshina of the prakaras sprinkle Rose water as they go round.
Nammalvar has composed 11 pasurams in praise of the Lord of Thirukadithanam.
When the back drop of these pasurams are explained in the eedu reads Nampillai says Nammalwar was torn by the pangs of seperation from the Lord. In order to relieve him from that pain, God had come to Thirukadithanam. but God wanted to break the happy news of His presence there in a slow manner to Nammalwar so that the alvar would be able to bear with equanimity the excessive joy resulting through anticipation of immediate meeting with God. The alwar speaks about the kindness and affection of the Lord towards him in these 11 pasurams.
Similarity of Rama returning to Ayodhya and Krishna to Hastinapura was first announced and then later the arrival happened. eg.
"Kushashthalae nivasathi sacha praatha riha yeshyathi"

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