Wednesday, November 26, 2014

effect of sound its mysticism

Sound is a divine energy which strengthen'sand protects the individual who chants. Understanding the (Sabda) sound is said to be the goal of life itself. The essence of all beings itself is sabda brahman.
chaitanyam sarva bhutanam sabda brahmeti me matihi.
yoga divides sabda into ahata sabda and anahata sabda.

Sound qualifies space and all the five elements.
sabdaika guna maa kasam

The complete process of production of speech is mysterious. it has four stages para, pashyanti, madhyama and vaikhari.

Speech in humans is the gift of Sound by the goddess Saraswati.
the flowing energy of sound (nada) refers to the expression of the chaitanya or consciousness.
chaitanyam sarva bhutanam vivrutam jagada at manaa
nada brahma sadanandam advitiiya upasmahe.

Nada brahman that incomparable bliss which is intrinsic in all the creatures as consciousness and is manifest in the phenomenon of this universe.
nada manifests the seven notes in music.
Sanskrit is easy to memorize due to the explicit sandhi (union of alphabets) effect and the joy it provides to both the renderer and listener.
Every syllable of the immortal Vedas is a lighthouse guiding every aspirant on the royal path towards self realisation.
Purity of mind intonation and pronunciation, the rigor, precision and devotion can alter the phonetic influence on an individual and also on the vibrations of space, resulting in individual and collective well being.
Although no written language is able to represent all the vedic sounds.
sound is the very core of the vedas it has to be heard and ecstasy derived therefrom. It is not to be analysed, commented upon or judged. It is called sruti.

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