Monday, November 10, 2014

Paragatha Swekaram.

When good times come live it to the full, so that they become pillars of strength and support you in times of distress. (This thought crossed my mind some two months ago and i was happy to read the following today)
Sita also tells Hanuman the same:
"Samaa dwaadasa tatraaham Raghavasya Nivasaanae
Bhunjaanaa amaanushaan Bhogaan sarva kaama samudruni."
Literally translated she says for 12 years in Rama's company /home the pleasures she had enjoyed were beyond the reach of humans. She had all her dreams fulfilled. That she lived now with those happy thoughts.
Nammalwar also n Pasuram 3621 says
The Lord at Thirukattarai with the appearance of dark rain bearing cloud is very quick in safe guarding his interest that is why even before I could fulfil my desire to grab him and make him mine as soon as I set my eyes on Him. He has been more alert and has enslaved me and made me his. (This is regarded as the most important pasuram of the Thiruvaimolzi conveying an important message) --
They present a picture as if there is a competition between the Alwar and God and God has won. {God always wins} (If we step aside and watch our lives as it were from the outside we too can see how cleverly god plays with us and our lives.)
Which is more fortunate? a devotee attaining God or God finding a devotee fit to be accepted?
Eeswaranai adaivadhu chetananukku purushaarthamaa,
Illai chetananai adaivadhu perumalukku bhagyama?
When God takes us it is Paragatha Sweekaaram.
When man attains God it is swagatha sweekaaram
Paragatha sweekaram is the most fortunate thing that can happen to any one.
The attainment of an individuals soul is the Lords greatest gain.
to be continued. 

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