Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Partha sarathy temple Triplicane.

Archaavatara Sthalam. In this one temple the deities of Ayodhya, Sri Rangam Kanchipuram, Ahobilam and Mathura can be worshiped. Also the standing sleeping and sitting lords can be viewed, also Yoga Bhoga and Veera aspects of the lord can be glened. Besides these uniquie features there are separate shrines built for Sri Peyalvar, Sri Nammalvar and Thirumazhisai alwar. Idols of Sri alavandar, Sri ramanujar, Sri Manavala, Sri Vedanta Desikar and Sri thirukachi nambi are enshrined here.The temple excited inthe 5th and 6th century as the alwars have sung in praise of the Lord of this temple. the present temple was built by a Pallava king around 779 - 830 A.D.
The temple which was under the management of the East india company was handed over to three persons belonging to the Srivaishnava Tengalai was a Brahmin the second was a arya vysya and the third a hindu following SriVaishnavite philosophy. No fishes exist in this temple tank a story connected says so five theerthams are Indira theertham, Where horses can be gifted,Soma theertham, where milk curd butter silk cloth are gifted, Agni theertham, a bath here ensures a healthy disease free life and goats are gifted here, Meena theertham where pearls corals honey can be gifted, and Vishnu theertham a worry free life in ensured by having a bath here. any gift given here has a great multiplier effect. a bath in this Puskarini is equalled to 60,000 baths in Ganga. On Ashtami Krishnapaksha during the Karthik month prayers offered to the departed will earn the blessings of all the forefathers.
Seven rishis Bhrigu, Atri, Marichi Markandeyar, Sumati, saptaromar and Jaabaali were doing penance here in Brindaranyam the tulasi thotam. they all saw the divine form of the Goddess one particular day and they found a beautiful child resembeling the vision they had while praying they named the child Vedavalli as they had her vision while reciting the Vedas. some time later a young prince came to the area and the beautiful child now grown up recognised the Lord in the young prince and named him Mannathar (my husband) Brighu maharishi also recognised the Lord the divine marriage was performed  and rishi requested the Lord to give him darshan which the Lord did. That is how the Idol of Lord Ranganatha is seen even todayin this place.
Madhuman son of a holy rish Sashivadan and an apsara Hylai.He was left in a cave and grew up drinking Honey initially and then brought up by the rishis inand around the area Pandaram. Gargeya Maharishi related the story of Rama and requested him to go to Kairaveni tank and do penance Here rama with sita devi and all his brothers gave him darshan that is how their idols are found here.
The Rishi Saptharomar here wished to see the Lord as he had appeared to save the Gajendra. that is how the Lord Vardaraja appeared here sitting on Garudar with his Shanka and Chakra in his hands.
The great Rishi Atri was doing a severe penance in the Brindavanam here, when one day while having a bath in the Indra theertham immersed in prayer he saw the air around was charged with divine music Menaka, tilottama, Rambhaand oorvasi appeared dancing around the luminous golden chariot decorated with pears and navarathnas people were whisking fans for the Lord Narasimha Swamy sitting in a calm composure in the charriot. the Bird garuda and Adisesha the divine couch were there. Rishi Atri was blessed and the Lord continues to give darshan to all devotees here as Yoga narasimhar, the utsava murthy is Azhagia Singar Perumal .
The presiding deity is Lord Parthasarathy also called Venkata Krishnan. The Lord appeared here to fulfil the promise to two people one King Sumathi who wished Lord Venkatesa give him a view of his being Partha sarathy and to the great Atreya rishi who was doing penance at the Brindaranyam having guided to go there by Vyasar. the Lord here is seen with his consort. He usually appears with his consort to bless his devotees. though he is said to be a figure on the battle field as Partha sarathy. When the Lord wants to destroy the evil forces he appears alone.
The Utsavar murthy of Parthasarathy is bewitching ever smiling. the face has a number of marks left by the arrows aimed by Bhishma on him. the utsavar murthy gets a golden hue every time the thirumanjanam is performed for the vigraha. Metallurgist are unable to explain this phenomena.
The Lord here has a moustache (Mulavar) not seen in any other Krishna temple  he being a yadava king having a Kshatriya insignia. He holds a sword which represents Knowledge. he is seen with Rukmini Devi on his right  and besides her is his brother Balarama to his left are Satyaki Pradyumnan and Grandson Aniruddha.
A sloka from Brahmanda Purana on the Lord Parthasarathy.
" Sa idaaneemapi munaye drisyate tatra maanavaih Rukminiya - cha aniruddena pradyumnena ca sevitah Halaayudhena sahitas sthitaa satyakina saha Parthasarathir ityeva visruto jagatipatih"
Lord Parthasarathy installed here by Atreya rishi worshipped by Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Rukmini seen along with Balarama and Satyaki. that famous Lord is even today here at triplicane. to enable the devotees to worship Him.

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